Omega 3 fish oiland DHA can combat cholesterol, though most doctors for any reason will not recommend it, maybe because of certain conventional medicine is widely chosen, but they knew how important it is to prevent the onset of cholesterol. Of course prevention is better than cure.
Our cardiovascular system, especially the heart is responsible in transporting red blood cells from any part of the body. If our heart is wrapped by cholesterol, it will not functions normally thus, some parts of the organs so not function well because of lack of supply of red blood cells. This is how omega 3 oil and DHA is important.
Omega Red Fish Oil
The omega 3 fish oil improves heart circulation, thus when our heart circulates well, there is a greater chance of normalizing also other heart dysfunctions. The DHA on the other hand improves cell rejuvenation; this is a true case when we lost our memory. The so called memory gap can be handled well with omega 3 oil that has a higher dose of DHA.
Omega 3 Fish Oil DHA - To Lower Cholesterol
Omega3 fish oil was first known to aid in proper functioning of heart. In fact it is well known for this matter, not until advance research finds other beneficial treatment to cure many ailments omega 3 fish oil to the human body.
Recently omega 3 fish oil was also noted to cure varicose veins. This is in connection of proper distribution of red blood cells in our body. As an anti coagulant, it plays also a perfect role to ease inflamed veins called the varicose veins.
To cure varicose veins, the omega 3 fish oil is not applied topically, rather, it is taken internally like supplements; then it works from the inside, as healing begins from our internal system.
Omega 3 fish oil contains essential fatty acid known as DHA; this is needed to keep our body to function normally. If some one is deficit of this nutrient, some serious illness may occur.
Though this nutrient is very important in our body, it is quite sad to say that our body can not produce DHA, but our body can convert certain nutrient to DHA. Take for example the ALA. A person, who doesn't have sufficient amount of omega 3 fish oil, will experience series of mood swing. He easily gets depressed, easily feel anxious and nervousness is as if part of his everyday living. You see, how important this nutrient in our body.
Omega 3 Fish Oil DHA - To Lower Cholesterol
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