


Omega 3 Fatty Acids (Fish Oil) And How It Affects Adhd And Behavior Problems In Children

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Omega 3 fatty acids and fish oils have been the center of attention in treatment for a long time.

There was their benefits in terms of safety against heart attacks and sudden death.

Omega Red Fish Oil

Then there was the big news about their benefits on depression, dementia, bipolar disorder, and now more studies are looking at the connection between fish oil and Adhd (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) in children.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids (Fish Oil) And How It Affects Adhd And Behavior Problems In Children

Let's look at a study looking at the corollary of giving fish oil and vitamin E versus placebo in children with Adhd-like symptoms, plus thirst and skin problems.

The study looked at the children's blood levels of omega 3 fats (Epa and Dha), and Vitamin E, as well as whether their behaviors and symptoms improved or not.

Fifty children were complicated and the study was conducted over a four month period.

The results was that there was a principal correction in Adhd like symptoms in both groups.

The fish oil group had slightly better results than the olive oil group, but as mentioned, both groups had correction in symptoms.

What was principal was that the children taking the fish oils (omega 3 fatty acids) improved more in terms of their oppositional defiant behavior back to underneath diagnostic levels, compared to the placebo group taking the olive oil.

Also there was a principal connection between the levels of Epa (omega 3 fatty acid) in red blood cells and improvements in 'disruptive behavior'.

This was measured by the children's parents using the Abbreviated symptom Questionnaire.

There was also a connection between vitamin E levels in the red blood cells and improvements in disruptive behavior measured by teachers uising the Disruptive Behavior Disorders Rating Scale.

So possibly there is a connection between omega 3s and behavioral problems in children as recommend by this small study.

There's also a inherent connection between vitamin E and disruptive behaviors as well.

So be on the lookout for more facts that's bound to come out in the time to come about the connection between omega 3 fatty acids and Adhd in children.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids (Fish Oil) And How It Affects Adhd And Behavior Problems In Children No URL

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